

Carl Gützkow
GISBackendDevOpsTeam Player
👋 Welcome, I'm Carl

About me

Me on a randonee ski tripMe on top of StorheiaMe in front of Hovedbygget NTNUMe on GotlandMe at interview with Tihlde IndexMe on top of Piz Boe

I'm a 21 year old software developer. I enjoy working with people whom I can share my competence with while also learning advanced concepts and technologies. My story of programming began in 7th grade with the kid friendly coding environment Scratch. From that point on I taught myself many computer science concepts and explored some of the possibilities in this vast field. Studying computer science, I further developed my skills and attained a deeper understanding of the field while building a foundation for valuable coding practices. Alongside my studies, I joined the voluntary groups Index and Hackerspace NTNU DevOps. There I experienced how effective team work enhanced both the software and the joy of the development process.